And the name, I learned this week, is: The Dahiya Doctrine. Mehdi Hassan explains here.
The Cranky Linguist
Observations, thoughts, reminiscences, and occasional rants on anthropology, linguistics, old-time banjo, and anything else that crosses my path...
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Here we go again...
It makes me sick.
(*Dr. Lawless did tell us about his being invited to a dog cookout in the forest by men of a tribe of former headhunters in the Philippines, but that was not this. Link to Picnic)
Monday, June 17, 2024
Friday, October 27, 2023
Word of the day
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Invasive species...
I never caught the story, but last week on the CNN news crawl the theme of the global cost of "invasive species" showed up a number of times.
No mention that I saw included Humans, and yet Homo sapiens is invasive everywhere outside of Africa.
Ad don't even think about the cost to the world of that species' invasions...
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
A couple of thoughts...
Tommy 🥔ville wants the military to bend to his personal fantasies about the world. But in the past, the military has sometimes led the way in establishing rights that "society" has tried to withhold. Access to health care is a human right, not subject to whatever he thinks his imaginary friends want.
Asa Hutchinson says that women's reproductive health access should be up to each state. I call Bullshit. This is a human rights issue, and not up to the whims of Alabama or Mississippi. Or Iowa.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Neandertals, again...
OK, so it has been a while. I'm trying to gear up for more writing here. Meanwhile I posted this on Facebook this morning, edited a bit:
After a year: genocide by any other name
And the name, I learned this week, is: The Dahiya Doctrine. Mehdi Hassan explains here .
The internet news site Common Dreams carried an article recently about a group of students from Liberty University visiting the Smithsonia...
OK, somebody has to say it. 17 years ago close to 3,000 people died largely because the US was unprepared for an attack of that kind, or for...
I may write more about this later, but for now just examine the differences. Later... (added on Oct 9, 2010): Essentially, in apes the l...